Granton Garden Bakery
Open Saturdays 10am-1pm
At Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway, EH5 2PW
Come to the window at the back of the building on Pilton Drive North
All our regular large loaves are sold on a 'pay what you can afford' basis. If you're short of cash, there's still delicious healthy fresh bread available no questions asked. Those who can pay a little more, we encourage you to do so.
What makes us different?
Granton Garden Bakery aims to provide an affordable and accessible source of healthy bread to our local community. All our regular breads are sold on a pay-what-you-can-afford basis, direct from the bakery on Saturday mornings. (We also sell some fixed price at local market stalls).
The best bread should be for everyone!
We are also working to support other local food producers, and source our ingredients from as close by as possible, including fruit harvested from our community gardens; flour from Scotland the Bread from heritage grain grown in Fife; and flour grown and milled at Mungoswells in East Lothian. We also grow some of our own wheat, and are working to scale up this production in partnership with nearby Lauriston Farm. We also sell fresh organic eggs from Croft Organics from Penicuik. We believe it's important for our community to have control over something as important as our food supply, so we are working to strengthen this local economy, creating good local jobs, and working with those we trust in caring for the soil, and ecosystems that produce our food.
All of our bread is made using the sourdough process. This takes a lot longer than the ultra-processed bread you can buy in supermarkets. This slow fermentation process creates particularly tasty bread, and as the proteins (such as gluten) in the flour are more broken down, many people find it easier to digest.
Proper sourdough bread only needs 3 ingredients: flour, water, and salt. Plus time and skill.
Standard Product List
All our bread is made from Scottish grown grain and milled flour.
Granton Loaf (900g/700g)
Signature crusty loaf, wholemeal, rye, white.
Ingredients: white wheat flour, wholemeal wheat flour, wholemeal rye flour, water, salt.
Baguette (250g)
Classic French stick made with white flour.
Ingredients: white wheat flour, water, wholemeal rye flour, salt.
Wholemeal tin loaf (1kg)
Made with Scottish wholemeal flour.
Ingredients: wholemeal wheat flour, white wheat flour, water, salt.
Seeded Rye tin loaf (500g/1kg)
Delicious, malty sourdough loaf made with Scottish rye flour
Ingredients: wholemeal rye flour, water, white wheat flour, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, linseeds, salt.
White tin loaf (1kg)
Soft white tin loaf, great for sandwiches.
Ingredients: white wheat flour, water, wholemeal rye flour, salt.
Sticky buns (120g)
Sweet treat filled with seasonal flavours, changing weekly.
Ingredients: white wheat flour, milk, egg, water, butter, sugar, salt.
Thank you for your support...
We want to make high quality, freshly baked bread for our community, more regularly and on a bigger scale, than we could before. Our priorities are: to make food that best nourishes our bodies, takes good care of the soil on which it is grown, and values the work of everyone that goes into producing it. Bread like this takes time and skill.
This means we are different from a system where the main priorities are to make food as cheap as possible, and to make as much profit for very rich people as possible. We don't want food that was only made to try to make money from our community, without caring if it makes us unhealthy, or if soil and people are exploited in the process, or if lots of resources (like fuel to transport things thousands of miles) are used and pollution produced.
We have an aim to make sure that everyone in Granton has access to good food. So we want to make our bread affordable and available to everyone who'd like to eat it, while being careful not to undervalue the work that goes into it, (we pay our bakers at least the Real Living Wage). This is a balance we're trying to find as we go...
It's definitely a challenge to run a commercially viable enterprise while pursuing all of these aims, but we think this challenge is worth the effort. Please support us if you agree!
Any proceeds from Granton Garden Bakery will be reinvested towards these aims and support the wider work of Granton Community Gardeners (the charity of which the bakery is a part).